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97–50 – Ťažné uzávery

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Kód: 97-50
Výrobca: Southco
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3D modely

97-50 – Ťažné uzávery | 97-50

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Vážení zákazníci, informujeme vás v súlade s nariadením EÚ, že poskytnuté informácie nie sú nami ďalej nijako používané ani uschované a slúžia len na vybavenie tejto žiadosti. Viac informáci­í TU.
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Zruš filter
Objednací kód Základná cena bez DPH Objednat Material Finish Access Restriction Color/Appearance Style Size Series Keeper Style Series Lever Style CAD
97-50-171-11 8,89 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightHeavy DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (two hole mount)50SeriesTab Up3D
97-50-171-15 9,89 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackHeavy DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (two hole mount)50SeriesTab Up3D
97-50-171-21 9,89 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightHeavy DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (two hole mount)50SeriesTab Up3D
97-50-171-25 10,85 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackHeavy DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (two hole mount)50SeriesTab Up3D
97-50-172-15 9,89 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackHeavy DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (single hole with locating lug)50SeriesTab Up3D
97-50-172-25 10,85 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackHeavy DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (single hole with locating lug)50SeriesTab Up3D
97-50-173-11 8,89 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightHeavy DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (button style)50SeriesTab Up3D
97-50-173-15 9,89 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackHeavy DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (button style)50SeriesTab Up3D
97-50-173-21 9,89 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightHeavy DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (button style)50SeriesTab Up3D
97-50-173-25 10,85 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackHeavy DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (button style)50SeriesTab Up3D
97-50-174-11 8,89 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightHeavy DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole mount)50SeriesTab Up3D
97-50-174-15 na dotaz Poptat cenuSteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackHeavy DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole mount)50SeriesTab Up3D
97-50-174-21 9,89 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightHeavy DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole mount)50SeriesTab Up3D
97-50-174-25 10,85 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackHeavy DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole mount)50SeriesTab Up3D
97-50-175-11 8,89 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightHeavy DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole with locating lug)50SeriesTab Up3D
Objednací kód Základná cena bez DPH Objednat Material Finish Access Restriction Color/Appearance Style Size Series Keeper Style Series Lever Style CAD
97-50-175-15 9,89 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackHeavy DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole with locating lug)50SeriesTab Up3D
97-50-175-21 9,87 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightHeavy DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole with locating lug)50SeriesTab Up3D
97-50-175-25 10,85 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackHeavy DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole with locating lug)50SeriesTab Up3D
97-50-210-11 8,81 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium Size 50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-210-12 16,70 €
Stainless SteelPassivatedSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium Size 50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-210-15 9,83 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackLight DutyMedium Size 50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-210-21 9,74 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium Size 50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-210-22 18,02 €
Stainless SteelPassivatedSecondary Catch AccessoryNaturalLight DutyMedium Size 50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-210-25 10,79 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackLight DutyMedium Size 50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-211-11 8,89 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (two hole mount)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-211-12 17,62 €
Stainless SteelPassivatedSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (two hole mount)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-211-15 9,89 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (two hole mount)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-211-21 9,89 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (two hole mount)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-211-22 18,15 €
Stainless SteelPassivatedSecondary Catch AccessoryNaturalLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (two hole mount)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-211-25 10,85 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (two hole mount)50SeriesTab Down3D
Objednací kód Základná cena bez DPH Objednat Material Finish Access Restriction Color/Appearance Style Size Series Keeper Style Series Lever Style CAD
97-50-212-21 na dotaz Poptat cenuSteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (single hole with locating lug)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-212-22 na dotaz Poptat cenuStainless SteelPassivatedSecondary Catch AccessoryNaturalLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (single hole with locating lug)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-212-25 na dotaz Poptat cenuSteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (single hole with locating lug)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-213-11 8,89 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (button style)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-213-12 17,62 €
Stainless SteelPassivatedSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (button style)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-213-15 9,89 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (button style)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-213-21 9,89 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (button style)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-213-22 18,98 €
Stainless SteelPassivatedSecondary Catch AccessoryNaturalLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (button style)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-214-11 8,89 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole mount)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-214-12 17,62 €
Stainless SteelPassivatedSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole mount)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-214-15 na dotaz Poptat cenuSteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackLight DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole mount)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-214-21 9,89 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole mount)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-214-22 18,15 €
Stainless SteelPassivatedSecondary Catch AccessoryNaturalLight DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole mount)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-214-25 10,85 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackLight DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole mount)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-215-11 8,89 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole with locating lug)50SeriesTab Down3D
Objednací kód Základná cena bez DPH Objednat Material Finish Access Restriction Color/Appearance Style Size Series Keeper Style Series Lever Style CAD
97-50-215-12 17,62 €
Stainless SteelPassivatedSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole with locating lug)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-215-15 9,89 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackLight DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole with locating lug)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-215-21 9,89 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole with locating lug)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-215-22 18,15 €
Stainless SteelPassivatedSecondary Catch AccessoryNaturalLight DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole with locating lug)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-215-25 na dotaz Poptat cenuSteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackLight DutyMedium SizeExposed Keeper (single hole with locating lug)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-220-11 8,81 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium Size 50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-220-12 16,70 €
Stainless SteelPassivatedSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium Size 50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-220-15 9,74 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackLight DutyMedium Size 50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-220-21 9,74 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium Size 50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-220-22 18,02 €
Stainless SteelPassivatedSecondary Catch AccessoryNaturalLight DutyMedium Size 50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-221-11 8,89 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (two hole mount)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-221-12 17,62 €
Stainless SteelPassivatedSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (two hole mount)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-221-15 9,89 €
SteelPowder CoatSecondary Catch AccessoryBlackLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (two hole mount)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-221-21 9,89 €
SteelZinc Plate, Bright chromateSecondary Catch AccessoryBrightLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (two hole mount)50SeriesTab Down3D
97-50-221-22 18,98 €
Stainless SteelPassivatedSecondary Catch AccessoryNaturalLight DutyMedium SizeConcealed Keeper (two hole mount)50SeriesTab Down3D
Uvedené ceny sú základné pri odbere od 1 ks. V prípade väčšieho množstva Vám vypracujeme individuálnu cenovú ponuku.


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